Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Project

     The objective for the One Word Film Project was to created a short film that represents and portray a certain word. We were instructed to use different camera shots, angles, and editing techniques we had previously learned in class to convey the story.

    During the brainstorming process, me and my partner came up with a couple ideas on how we could portray the word "Reminisce". We decided on making a short film about a senior in highschool reminiscing her freshman year with her friend.

    Our storyboard was very useful in helping us visualize our project because it allowed us to realize the limitations that were set due to having to film in school. It also helped us develop the plot and setting of our project.

    For this project, I utilized iMovie to edit. Although it is a simple and basic platform, it had all the tools necessary for the assignment.

    Considering the One Word Film Project is one of the first projects we have done in this course, I think me and my partner had the correct ideas of when to use certain shots and techniques, the actual application of them have a lot of room for improvement. For example, we wanted to use a tracking shot to demonstrate a girl walking to a specific setting. While we had the right idea to use a tracking shot, the actual application of the shot was somewhat shaky and could be improved.

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