Thursday, February 20, 2025

Character Development

Character Development

In our film opening, we introduce a total of 3 characters. Considering they are only shown for the second half of the opening, their characters will not be fully developed because of time restraints.

Our first, and main, character is Sofia. Sofia is an extremely common name that about 24,934 people in the U.S. have. We decided to use a common name for our main character to emphasize the abnormality of the situation. Meaning, she was an extremely normal person and this happening to her is extremely unexpected, emphasized by the commonness of her name. In the opening, Sofia is shown as an ordinary girl in her 20's living with her boyfriend.

Our second character is Luke. Very similar to Sofia, Luke is an ordinary guy living a typical student-athlete life with his girlfriend. the name Luke, is ranked 31st most popular male names in the U.S. The commonness of his name was utilized to further portray the normal life they were leading up until the third character was introduced.

The very last character that will be included in our film opening is Jess. Jess' introduction will be rather odd compared to Sofia and Luke's. The shattering of a vase and the ringing of the doorbell at the same time shows that right when Jess arrived, the trouble began.

All three characters will be wearing regular, rather comfortable attire. Sofia and Luke will be wearing more comfortable clothes since they were in their home making breakfast before Jess arrived. Jess will be dressed a bit more presentable, since the purpose of her visit is to introduce herself to her new neighbors and make new friends.

Here are some inspirations for their clothing:




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