Friday, October 18, 2024


    The Tv show I have chosen to analyze it's representation patterns is Grey's Anatomy, created by Shonda Rhimes. My reasoning for this was even though there was diverty in the cast of the Tv show, women are still greatly stereotyped as having trust issues, being emotional, and unstable.
    For example, Meredith, the main character and who the Tv show is named after, is extremely portrayed as having severe trust issues and being overly emotional. What caused her trust issues was her father leaving her and her mother, at a very young age, for another woman. Even though this may justify her trust issues, it is still an example of how she was a victim of the patriarchy.
    Another example of a stereotype Grey's Anatomy included was Meredith's father becoming a drunk after the loss of his current wife. It is expected for men to, after an important loss, turn to alcohol and ignore their problems. Thatcher Grey, Meredith's father, became addicted to drinking which caused meredith a mix of emotions which were explained throughout the episodes.
    In every episode, with the exception of some episodes narrated by other characters, Merethid's complex and detailed emotions are expressed through narration. This causes the viewer to sometimes become overwhelmed with the constant conflict she speaks about.
: Meredith Grey         : Thatcher Grey 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project

    During our lesson about sound, I learned about the impact sound has on a film and the different types of sound like synchronous, asynchronous, diegetic, and non diegetic sound. We also focused on sound motifs, sound perspectives, sound bridges, voiceovers, the epistolary voice, addressing of audience, a direct address, and narration. Learning the details of all these aspects of sound gave me insight on how crucial sound is in the development of a film.

    For this sound project, we were instructed to create a scene from 1-2 minutes long. The audio recording must consist of only sound and at least 4 of the sounds utilized in the project must have been created using foley.

This is a video of me recording my foley sounds at home: Foley

    During brainstorming, it was difficult to come up with a scene that we could portray with only sound. We created an outline of the scene with the events and sounds we would incorporate in our project. Even though while creating the outline we did not have an idea of how long each sound would go on for, we made sure to include enough so that the audio recording would exceed one minute.

    To edit this project i used Adobe Premiere Pro. This resource worked extremely well for this assignment since the sounds were very easy to layer and adjust. 

    In my opinion, I did very good on editing the timing of the sounds. For example, during the scene of putting the groceries in the car, I timed the alarm and closing of the trunk very well. Something I can improve on in the future is the leveling of the sound. The aspect of this project i had the most difficulty with was adjusting the volume of each sound while layering. I changed the volume of each sound until I thought they fit together well but they still don’t sound as well as I would have wanted them to. With experience and time I am sure I can improve this skill. 


editing 1

 Editing! While starting the editing process, one of the most difficult parts, in my opinion, is choosing which clips to and not to use with...