Thursday, February 13, 2025

group meeting #1

 Group Meeting #1

     This week, we had our very first group meeting. I thought this meant my partner and I would meet with our teacher and discuss our plans. In contrast, we were placed in a group of six people in our class who were all working in different groups. The point of this was to present our ideas and blogs in order to receive feedback and provide constructive criticism while being honest yet respectful. 


    At first, I was skeptical of this concept, nervous to present my idea, and believed it would be an awkward interaction. I was proved completely wrong. This group meeting was extremely effective and incredibly helpful not only to me, but to everyone else in my group as well. 

    We each took turns presenting our ideas and blogs. The first girl, Omer, had the idea of doing a suspense type of opening which consisted of 3 men interacting and one of them ends up dying. She also wanted to include the police somewhere throughout her opening. This is not her well thought-out idea, just the parts where she was given feedback in. For instance, we suggested that instead of showing an actual dead body lying on the ground, which she wanted to include, she shows a close-up of someone placing some sort of cloth or cover over the body but only show the hair or the top of the head. We told her it would look too unrealistic if there was just a body lying on the ground. Also, we suggested she use flashlights or LED lights in the background of a scene to let the viewers know there are police present without actually showing them since it would be difficult to acquire a police car. 

    We then went around the table, and everybody continued presenting and providing feedback. Then it was my turn, I went last. I explained my idea and they truly loved it and thought it was pretty cool. They did not provide much feedback, not only because of the time constraints, but also because they believed I already had it thought out. They suggested I use several different pictures of places like restaurants or schools or other small details like napkins from a restaurant or a movie ticket to really set the scene for what the film would be.  

    Surprisingly, we all worked very well together, and the conversation flowed really nicely. There was a perfect level of respect and honesty and half the time it just felt like a regular conversation between a group of friends. I'm very glad I had the chance to work with them and hopefully I can again in the future. Their names are Omer, Sofia, Anastasia, Sofia, and lastly there's me on the bottom left of the picture.

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Group meeting #2

 Group Meeting #2 This week, our second group meeting took place. Contrasting from the first group meeting, where we talked about our ideas ...