Sunday, March 9, 2025

editing 1


While starting the editing process, one of the most difficult parts, in my opinion, is choosing which clips to and not to use within the project. Many are either very similar or very different clips of the same shot. What I have done so far in editing is upload all potential clips and insert them in order. I have not completely finished this process yet. For instance, nearing the end of our opening, these 3 shots all have 2 potential clips that could be used, and I am having trouble deciding which to incorporate.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

production 2

 Production Part 2!

As a part of our filming process, we needed to break an egg. Originally, our idea was for a vase to fall and crack. To execute that successfully, we would have had to clean the glass off the floor. If we had not cleaned it all properly, perhaps my dog could have eaten it or we could have stepped on it. Also, I do not think my mom would have appreciated me breaking one of her vases. As a result, we improvised an used an egg instead.

Since eggs are currently quite expensive, we were only allowed to break one egg. To get our desired shot of this singular egg, we filmed from two differrent angles. One of these angles consisted of the egg literally falling on my phone camera lens. We are not posititve if this shot will be utilized in our final project but it is a cool possibility.

The same effect we were wishing to create with the vase was created with the egg. This effect is that right when the new character, Jess, arrives by ringing the doorbell. something goes wrong and breaks. This would demostrate how the arrival of Jess immediately causes something bad to happen creating an eerie or suspicious tone. 

This connects to the first scene of our film opening since it portrays Sofia and Luke, the main characters, being stalked/watched by someone, setting that same eerie and suspisious tone.

Friday, March 7, 2025



Today, we filmed the entire second half of our film opening! This process was honestly very fun and and stress-free. Our actors were very easy to work with and collaborated to their best effort. Throughout this process, I brough my friend Sophia Moreau to help us out with things like lighting and other details, since she has more experience in this field from being in CBTV, Cypress Bay's television class/club.

Here are some behind the scene photos from our filming process: 

This process took a total of about 3 and a half hours. This is because of the many times when they would stutter, laugh, or forget their lines. Despite this, we had a succesful filming day and were able to film all of our necessary content!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production post #2

Production post #2

 Today is filming day 1!! Before Dani and I began to film the opening scene, we searched for different videos of how detective boards are portrayed in films. We searched online to look for some similar scenes but couldn't find any movies where they are setting up the board.

We continued our search and found this video where a person is adding the red string to all the pictures on the board. We noticed that the camera would pan down and track the movements of the hand. This is something we want to incorporate into our film opening, along with separate shots and angles. 

We also took note of the usage of post-it notes with informationwritten on them. We will include this into our board to not only fill up space, but to provide information that will be relevant later on. We  wrote some of the main information on these post-it notes, which will be included.

editing 1

 Editing! While starting the editing process, one of the most difficult parts, in my opinion, is choosing which clips to and not to use with...